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Leadership Coaching

Leadership Coaching

Being a great leader is all about having a genuine willingness and a true commitment to lead others to achieve a common vision and goals through positive influence.  No leader can ever achieve anything great or long-lasting all alone.  Teamwork goes hand in hand with positive leadership that is driven by relevant influence.  Leadership is about people and for people. – John C. Maxwell

Leadership Coaching

Whether you are responsible for developing your company, others, or yourself, the more effective you are as a leader, the further you will go. Our leadership development training is based on John Maxwell’s proven leadership practices and lessons – the same skills, principles and values that John has used to train and develop leaders of nations as well as Fortune 500 corporate entities for nearly fifty years. Using John Maxwell’s proven professional growth and development systems, I can help you improve your professional skills so you can reach your career goals and lead a successful business that generates the income you desire.

Leadership Coaching

Investing in the growth of your business and the strength of your team is the key to long-term success. We offer a set of professional skills training that include workshops, seminars, presentations and courses for managers, entrepreneurs and executives who want to advance their career. Learn what it really means to be a leader. The true measure of leadership is influence. Through this mastermind experience, you will learn how to improve your influence on others and lead them with confidence. You will also understand how to use your influence with others to help them accomplish their goals which in turn will help you achieve yours.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why should I invest in Leadership Coaching?

Developing yourself to become the leader you have the potential to be will change everything for you. It will add to your effectiveness, subtract from your weaknesses, divide your workload, and multiply your impact. Influence is the beginning of true leadership – John C. Maxwell. Therefore, investing in leadership coaching will help you evaluate your life and identify where you can increase your influence to enhance your leadership (i.e., as a parent, spouse, spiritual leader, etc.).

What’s involved in Leadership Coaching?

You will learn the principles of leadership and how to effectively apply them. You will develop individual skills and abilities and become more self-aware. For example, we begin with an assessment of who you are and where you are on your leadership journey. We will go on a journey of an in-depth study of leadership principles from one of John C. Maxwell’s best-selling book “Developing the Leader Within You 2.0” via teleconference over a period of 6-10 weeks.

I don't see myself as a leader - Can I become a leader?

After studying John Maxwell’s book on “The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership” you will come to realize that everything rises and falls on leadership and leadership develops daily, not in a day. John says “Everyone is a leader because everyone influences someone. Not everyone will become a great leader, but everyone can become a better leader.”

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Orange Park, Florida, United States of America 32073
1 224 723 8587

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